Not without my SERUM | 3

I wanted more for my skin…

This was one of the first pro­ducts I made…but it was the first one I inten­tio­nal­ly made for myself.
Few years back, as I was more awa­re of what we are put­ting onto our skin by rea­ding ingre­di­ent lists on pro­ducts, I star­ted focu­sing more on natu­ral alter­na­ti­ves for my skin. What I found miss­ing for me, was a full nou­ris­hing skin tre­at­ment in only one pro­duct! You know…when you real­ly don’t have much time for yours­elf after a busy day, or ear­ly in the mor­ning, it’s often that we don’t have time for a full skin­ca­re routine…So tha­t’s why I deve­lo­ped a Face Serum Glow | 3. Becau­se I wan­ted natu­ral and per­fect skin­ca­re tre­at­ment in one bottle…you know for that time when you have to – get up and go! Our skin should­n’t suf­fer and come short on important nut­ri­ents just becau­se we don’t have enough time for our skincare.
So I packed 22 natu­ral, qua­li­ty and skin lova­ble ingre­di­ents into this one product.

Ingredients are most important…

Some ingre­di­ents out of 22 sel­ec­ted, include: Cacay oil – natu­ral anti-aging oil that con­ta­ins high amounts of cell-pro­tec­ting vit­amin E, pene­tra­tes deep into the lay­ers of the skin, mois­tu­ri­ses and sti­mu­la­tes col­la­gen pro­duc­tion – lea­ving a fresh loo­king skin.
Ano­ther ingre­di­ent I abso­lut­e­ly love is
Ama­ranth seed extra­ct – becau­se it revi­ta­li­ses tired skin and sup­ports its rege­ne­ra­ti­on, pre­vents pre­ma­tu­re signs of age­ing, impro­ves skin ela­s­ti­ci­ty and nou­ris­hes and soot­hes in par­ti­cu­lar dry skin.
Car­rot Seed Oil – is ano­ther gre­at oil I have cho­sen in this Serum becau­se it is rich in vit­amins such as A, C, E and beta-caro­te­ne and it has a revi­ta­li­sing and soot­hing effect on skin irri­ta­ti­ons and red­ness. This red oil nou­ris­hes the skin and pro­tects it from exter­nal influen­ces, making skin com­ple­xi­on appear radi­ant, more even and beau­tiful. Ano­ther skin loving ingre­di­ent has not only gre­at oran­gey-red colour and rich tex­tu­re but also super skin pro­per­ties, it’s Sea buckt­horn pulp extra­ct – It has anti-inflamm­a­to­ry pro­per­ties, sup­port­ing skin’s natu­ral balan­ce. This plant extra­ct pro­mo­tes the ela­s­ti­ci­ty of the skin and has a posi­ti­ve effect on the pre­ven­ti­on of skin inflamm­a­ti­on, giving com­ple­xi­on a beau­tiful, even loo­king appearance. With other natu­ral ingre­di­ents, this Serum is a powerful, nou­ris­hing cock­tail for your skin.

How to use…

It’s used just after cle­an­sing, you put a 2 to 3 drops of Face Serum Glow | 3 bet­ween your fin­gers and slow­ly and gent­ly mas­sa­ge onto the skin in a cir­cu­lar moti­on. But if you have dry skin like I do, then you will pro­ba­b­ly want to app­ly a drop or two more, so it always depends on your skin type and the amount of Serum you use. If your skin is more oily, then I would sug­gest that you first try app­ly­ing about 2 drops of Serum. You should also take into con­side­ra­ti­on that your skin might dif­fer in sum­mer than in win­ter becau­se in col­der months our skin is more dry and dehy­dra­ted so you might have to always adjust the amount of pro­duct you use.
I want to men­ti­on that all Bela Skin for­mu­las are so crea­ted that you don’t need to use much of a pro­duct in your dai­ly skin­ca­re routine…so a small amount goes a long way.

Combination with…

Befo­re using Face Serum Glow | 3, I recom­mend washing your face with Tea tree & Char­co­al soap so you get dirt and impu­ri­ties off your skin. It can also be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with other Bela Skin mois­tu­ri­sing pro­ducts, such as Beau­tiful Age Cream | 5, Bright Skin Cream | 4 and Sen­si­ti­ve Skin Cream |13 … but if you are real­ly run­ning out of time, then even if you’­re only app­ly­ing Face Serum Glow | 3, you will know that your skin is get­ting all the mois­tu­re, nou­rish­ment and as the name says it – GLOW, instantly.

If you haven’t tried it alre­a­dy, give it a go and your skin is going to LOVE it … for a radi­ant and natu­ral­ly beau­tiful Skin complexion.



Bela Skin Naturkosmetik

🌿 100 % pri­rod­na kozmetika
🌿Natu­ral Skincare
🌿no syn­the­tic colours/​fragrances
🌿free from GMO
🌿cos­me­tics made fresh 💚
Made in Germany