Bela’s fine natural soaps

Powerful plant ingredients & the best craftsmanship

Bela Skin natu­ral cos­me­tics stands for high qua­li­ty and natu­ral skin­ca­re. For our soaps we use natu­ral ingre­di­ents as well as pure, essen­ti­al vege­ta­ble oils and fats, such as cocoa but­ter. The her­bal Bela Skin soaps con­tain neither syn­the­tic dyes, fra­gran­ces nor palm oil and are com­ple­te­ly biodegradable.

All ingre­di­ents that are used for the high-qua­li­ty Bela Skin soap bars are natu­ral so the­re are no che­mi­cal sub­s­tances added. Main­ly orga­nic ingre­di­ents are used.

Gent­le manu­fac­tu­ring process

Natu­ral soaps made by Bela Skin are careful­ly hand­craf­ted uni­que bars that are spe­ci­al­ly crea­ted using the gent­le cold pro­cess soap making method. This gent­le, cold manu­fac­tu­ring method has a long tra­di­ti­on and ensu­res that you are recei­ving a bar of the hig­hest qua­li­ty soap that under­goes a long matu­ra­ti­on process.

The but­ters and oils used by Bela Skin natu­ral cos­me­tics are only hea­ted slight­ly abo­ve their mel­ting point, sapo­nified with the help of con­cen­tra­ted lye at a low tem­pe­ra­tu­re and then pou­red direct­ly into molds.

This so-cal­led “cold pro­cess” has the gre­at advan­ta­ge over the hot soap making pro­cess becau­se the mine­rals, vit­amins and other ingre­di­ents used are bet­ter pre­ser­ved and are not lost through the hea­ting process.

Revi­ta­li­zed body feeling

Various valuable vege­ta­ble oils such as Coco­nut oil, almond oil, laven­der oil, mint oil, rose­ma­ry oil and oli­ve oil as well as other natu­ral ingre­di­ents such as cocoa but­ter, honey and cof­fee unfold their posi­ti­ve effects on the skin in the long-las­ting, cold-pro­cess bars of soap.

The mild, plea­sant­ly cre­a­my foam that the hand-made soaps deve­lop pene­tra­tes deep into the skin and pro­vi­des a pro­tec­ti­ve shell with valuable mois­tu­re. At the same time, the skin is gent­ly cle­an­sed and pam­pe­red with the high skin care pro­per­ties of careful­ly sel­ec­ted, all-natu­ral ingredients.

The natu­ral acti­ve ingre­di­ents sup­port the sup­p­le­ness and firm­ness of the skin, while sen­si­ti­ve and irri­ta­ted skin is gent­ly soot­hed and brought into balan­ce. After cle­an­sing, the skin does not feel dry, but rather fresh, soft and supple.

Enjoy an all-round clean and rela­xed skin fee­ling with the high-qua­li­ty Bela Skin natu­ral soaps.

Rela­xing well­ness moments

The fact that the soap bars lose water during the 4–6 week curing and dry­ing time is the reason why the size of each bar varies slightly.

During this pha­se, the won­derful­ly deli­ca­te scent of the Bela Skin natu­ral soaps inten­si­fies at the same time. The soaps take on the scent of the sub­s­tances used from natu­re in a subt­le way – laven­der, tea tree, patchouli or oran­ge oil, honey, cof­fee and many other plant sub­s­tances give the natu­ral soaps a beau­tiful, pure and natu­ral scent.

The ini­mi­ta­b­ly authen­tic scent of the various bars of soap helps to ensu­re that skin cle­an­sing with Bela natu­ral soaps beco­mes a rela­xing well­ness moment.

A little piece of cleanliness with a long tradition

Soap making – a craft, almost as old as man­kind 
If we look at the histo­ry of soap making, a soap-like sub­s­tance was made thou­sands of years ago in a place whe­re is now Iraq. Appar­ent­ly, the Sume­ri­ans mixed vege­ta­ble ash with oils and initi­al­ly used this mix­tu­re as a heal­ing oint­ment. Accor­ding to tra­di­ti­on, the Romans used simi­lar mix­tures to cle­an­se the body from the 2nd cen­tu­ry AD. The pio­neers for the soap we know today were the Arabs in the 7th cen­tu­ry. They boi­led oils and alka­li­ne salts until the „brew“ took on a solid con­sis­ten­cy, lay­ing the foun­da­ti­on for soaps as we know them today.

Bles­sed bathing cul­tu­re – ended by pla­gue & cho­le­ra 
In the Midd­le Ages this soap-making know­ledge rea­ched Euro­pe and it beca­me a guild. The pro­duc­tion methods got bet­ter and bet­ter, what was initi­al­ly reser­ved for the rich as a luxu­ry good, with the emer­gence of public bath­hou­ses and bathing cul­tu­re, which was beco­ming more and more estab­lished. It also rea­ched the poorer population.

Howe­ver, the mis­con­cep­ti­on that pla­gue and cho­le­ra spread through washing with water initi­al­ly led to the fact that soap was no lon­ger used and so-cal­led “dry clea­ning” and pow­de­ring the body beca­me a clea­ning method. Fear of infec­tion also led to bath­hou­ses being clo­sed and first being brought back to life almost two cen­tu­ries later, in the midd­le of the 18th century.

The „Sun King“ and the puri­ty law of 1688 
Thanks to Lou­is XIV, known as the Sun King, the art of making the finest soaps gai­ned new popu­la­ri­ty. In order to ensu­re that soap of the hig­hest qua­li­ty is made, at the end of the 17th cen­tu­ry, in 1688, he issued a law on the puri­ty of soap. This meant that a real­ly good bar of soap can­not con­tain less than 72% pure vege­ta­ble oils.

Body hygie­ne – the basis for health and well-being  
But it was not until the 18th cen­tu­ry that washing the body with soap and water beca­me popu­lar. After all, it was not until the begin­ning of the 19th cen­tu­ry that it beca­me clear that “wet” body cle­an­sing, ide­al­ly with soap, was an indis­pensable hygie­ne mea­su­re that, in addi­ti­on to the bene­fi­ci­al cle­an­sing effect, hel­ped to com­bat con­ta­gious dise­a­ses and their spread.

The know­ledge that clea­ning the body helps to avo­id infec­tious dise­a­ses and con­tri­bu­tes signi­fi­cant­ly to a healt­hy life, makes body hygie­ne an indis­pensable ritu­al that is still an abso­lu­te mat­ter today. The incom­pa­ra­ble fee­ling of fresh cle­an­li­ne­ss and vital ener­gy after the dai­ly show­er, the rela­xing full bath or the hygie­nic clea­ning of the hands turns body care into a won­derful moment of well­ness and pure wellbeing.

Bela Skin Naturkosmetik

🌿 100 % pri­rod­na kozmetika
🌿Natu­ral Skincare
🌿no syn­the­tic colours/​fragrances
🌿free from GMO
🌿cos­me­tics made fresh 💚
Made in Germany