Bela Skin – Sustainable & Mindful

Pro­tect your Environment 

Recycle your glass jars! 

The pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­ment and natu­re is very important to us. When your Bela Skin pro­duct is used up, you can send us back the emp­ty glass jars. The amber glass bot­t­les and jars are tho­rough­ly clea­ned and refil­led in com­pli­ance with the hig­hest hygie­ne standards.

Becau­se not only our pro­ducts are sus­tainable, we also deli­bera­te­ly design our pack­a­ging so that its mate­ri­al and its reusa­bi­li­ty pro­tect our envi­ron­ment and natu­ral resour­ces and that no addi­tio­nal pla­s­tic was­te is created.

Bela tip: The brown glass con­tai­ners pro­tect your Bela Skin pro­ducts from any chan­ges that can be cau­sed by UV light and help to extend their shelf life – so you can enjoy your favo­ri­te pro­ducts longer.

Look for­ward to your FREE gift 

Thank you very much! 

By sen­ding back the emp­ty glass con­tai­ners, you are con­tri­bu­ting to saving resources!

As a thank you for your effort: For every return of emp­ty glass con­tai­ners, you will recei­ve a small bar of soap from us for FREE.

Plea­se send the emp­ty glass con­tai­ners – well pro­tec­ted – to the fol­lo­wing address:

Bela Skin Natur­kos­me­tik Erm­s­tal­str. 2
72768 Reut­lin­gen

Bela Skin loves natu­re and the environment 

FSC seal – a seal that guarantees the protection of our forests 

Bela Skin’s cla­im is not only the use of natu­ral ingre­di­ents of the best qua­li­ty, but also the respon­si­ble and sus­tainable use of our natu­ral resources.

You’ll recei­ve your Bela Skin natu­ral soaps and also amber glass con­tai­ners in envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly pack­a­ging made from recy­cled mate­ri­al with FSC certification.

In addi­ti­on, all amber glass con­tai­ners do not con­tain any addi­tio­nal outer pack­a­ging, but are sent to you in this envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly card­board box – this saves addi­tio­nal pack­a­ging mate­ri­al and costs!

Bela tip: The paper boxes made of recy­cled mate­ri­al are ide­al for crea­ti­ve upcy­cling ide­as and are a nice gift packaging.

You can trust that 

Bela Skin’s Quality Promise 

  • 100% natu­ral ingredients
  • Vegan pro­duct, wit­hout ingre­di­ents of ani­mal ori­gin, except: Bela Soap Honey, Repair Skin Balm | 1, Lip Balm | 6, the­se pro­ducts con­tain honey or beeswax
  • Pack­a­ging envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly
  • * from orga­nic far­ming (see lexi­con of ingredients)
  • All sel­ec­ted ingre­di­ents are natural
  • Free of syn­the­tic colors and fragrances
  • GMO free
  • Wit­hout palm oil
  • Biode­gra­da­ble
  • Cos­me­tics always made fresh
  • Made in Germany

Bela Skin Naturkosmetik

🌿 100 % pri­rod­na kozmetika
🌿Natu­ral Skincare
🌿no syn­the­tic colours/​fragrances
🌿free from GMO
🌿cos­me­tics made fresh 💚
Made in Germany