Only the best – for you and your skin

The hig­hest respon­si­bi­li­ty – the grea­test know­ledge – the best skin care
With the grea­test exper­ti­se and the hig­hest know­ledge about the effec­ti­ve­ness of various her­bal sub­s­tances, Bela Skin skillful­ly deve­lo­ps natu­ral com­bi­na­ti­ons of acti­ve ingre­di­ents in which many her­bal sub­s­tances are per­fect­ly com­bi­ned and com­ple­men­ted, and their strength and posi­ti­ve pro­per­ties for pro­tec­tion, rege­ne­ra­ti­on and care of our lar­gest organ, our skin.

The best her­bal pro­ducts – what else!
The use of the best natu­ral her­bal sub­s­tances in all pro­ducts goes wit­hout say­ing for Bela Skin, as well as the careful and respon­si­ble tre­at­ment of our natu­re and the environment.

Natu­ral­ly pure means that the oils are deri­ved from the plant and that their ingre­di­ents are retai­ned; no syn­the­tic dyes or fra­gran­ces are added, not­hing is che­mi­cal­ly alte­red, the­re are no other syn­the­tic ingre­di­ents, such as addi­ti­ves par­af­fins, palm oil, sili­co­nes, para­bens, micro­pla­s­tics or simi­lar sub­s­tances. If dif­fe­rent natu­ral oils are mixed with each other, we are tal­king only about natu­ral oils.

Exclu­si­ve­ly natu­ral ingre­di­ents, effec­ti­ve essen­ti­al oils and mace­ra­tes, hydro­la­tes, vit­amins and natu­ral plant extra­cts, along with natu­ral addi­ti­ves such as orga­nic honey, orga­nic coco­nut milk, acti­va­ted char­cho­le and clay, form the basis of gent­le Bela Skin skin care pro­ducts, which are always fresh­ly pro­du­ced in Reutlingen.

Pro­ducts, such as Repair Skin Balm | 1, Face Serum Glow | 3 and Natu­ral Body Oil | 17, are made from many valuable plant extracts.

Bela Skin meets the best qua­li­ty stan­dards
The high qua­li­ty stan­dards for the her­bal raw mate­ri­als used and the fact that all pro­ducts and their acti­ve ingre­di­ent for­mu­las have been tes­ted for safe­ty by an inde­pen­dent insti­tu­te befo­re being laun­ched, gua­ran­tee the best for you and your skin. The pro­duc­tion pro­cess is also sub­ject to strict con­trols and meets all qua­li­ty criteria.

Bela Skin Naturkosmetik

🌿 100 % pri­rod­na kozmetika
🌿Natu­ral Skincare
🌿no syn­the­tic colours/​fragrances
🌿free from GMO
🌿cos­me­tics made fresh 💚
Made in Germany