Bela Skin natural cosmetics

Herbs & heal­ing Plants – Green mira­cles for our well­be­ing & our beau­ty
Ana­be­la Delać, foun­der and owner of Bela Skin natu­ral cos­me­tics – Reut­lin­gen, came to learn very ear­ly about the importance and effec­ti­ve­ness of heal­ing herbs for our well-being. Through her mother, Ana­be­la lear­ned about home-grown herbs, the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of teas, the pro­duc­tion of tinc­tures and mace­ra­tes from dif­fe­rent oils. Ana­be­la was also taught by her mother the gent­le methods of har­ve­s­t­ing and pro­ces­sing the­se pre­cious raw plants. Under­stan­ding and rea­li­zing the valuable that natu­re gives us and what an enorm­ous posi­ti­ve effect her­bal sub­s­tances have, espe­ci­al­ly in skin care pro­ducts, Ana­be­la has a gro­wing desi­re to share and app­ly this know­ledge in practice. 

Natu­ral­ly beau­tiful – by the power of natu­re 
The obser­va­ti­on that many tra­di­tio­nal cos­me­tic pro­ducts are adver­ti­sed with clai­mes such as “natu­ral” or “with natu­ral ingre­di­ents”, but with a clo­ser look it tur­ned out that usual­ly a very small por­ti­on of the ingre­di­ents were  real­ly “natu­ral”. With this, Ana­be­la incre­asing­ly awa­ken­ed the need to deve­lop skin care pro­ducts that actual­ly con­sist of the best, all-natu­ral ingre­di­ents wit­hout any syn­the­tic addi­ti­ves. Pro­ducts that keep their pro­mi­ses – open­ly and honest­ly. In addi­ti­on, the idea was for­med to empha­si­ze the beau­ty of the skin in a natu­ral way.

Ana­be­la founds Bela Skin natu­ral cos­me­tics – open­ly, honest­ly and trans­par­ent­ly 
Her son’s ato­pic der­ma­ti­tis final­ly forced Ana­be­la to put her know­ledge of natu­ral raw mate­ri­als in the field of skin care into prac­ti­ce. She deve­lo­ped her first skin cream based on beau­tiful her­bal oils that soo­t­he the skin and other natu­ral ingre­di­ents that nou­rish the skin – Repair Skin Balm | 1. Other facial and skin care pro­ducts soon fol­lo­wed. The high level of accep­tance, satis­fac­tion and enthu­si­asm of their cus­to­mers were both a con­fir­ma­ti­on and an incen­ti­ve for Anabela.

The gro­wing demand and the increase in orders for clean, sus­tainable natu­ral pro­ducts have shown that she is on the right track – Ana­be­la foun­ded her own com­pa­ny in 2017, Bela Skin Natur­kos­me­tik in Reut­lin­gen. Whe­re pro­ducts are always fresh­ly made under strict qua­li­ty control. 

An open and trans­pa­rent cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re is just as important to Ana­be­la as the use of all-natu­ral, high-qua­li­ty ingre­di­ents. Whe­ther it is natu­ral oils, mace­ra­tes and extra­cts or the best raw mate­ri­als from con­trol­led farming.

Head of Mar­ke­ting and Sales 

Antonija Marinović 

is a mar­ke­ting and sales mana­ger. With her medi­cal edu­ca­ti­on, and regu­lar effort and com­mit­ment, Anto­ni­ja has beco­me a valuable part of our manage­ment team. As a young woman who is fami­li­ar with the hec­tic life­style in which women try to choo­se the best for them­sel­ves and their, she is fami­li­ar with all the pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses of our cos­me­tics. Always at the ser­vice of our cus­to­mers, both for advice and regar­ding all items of orde­ring, deli­very and feed­back from our customers.

Bela Skin Naturkosmetik

🌿 100 % pri­rod­na kozmetika
🌿Natu­ral Skincare
🌿no syn­the­tic colours/​fragrances
🌿free from GMO
🌿cos­me­tics made fresh 💚
Made in Germany